1. May I have exact delivery date and time please?
It depends upon the item you are looking to purchase, our normal delivery days are Mon-Friday, Please contact seller if you wanted to delay your delivery or hold for few days-weeks. Or if you wanted to be specific with delivery date, contact customer service 02037943463, also you have to go through your provided online tracking code for more information on your delivery day and time.
2. I have problem on my purchase item or problem on assembling.
Every flat pack boxes will contain assembling instruction manual, if not contact us we will supply the scanned copy or post your instruction manual. regarding the difficulties on assembling, please do contact us with the issue you are facing and if possible take pictures if any manufacture fault, we will dealt with these cases within 24 hours and if possible we will get our fitter for support (this will cost you extra, and fitter can visit you if you are within M25).
It is must to check the items conditions on arrival (mostly boxes if any sign of damages) if you suspect item didn't arrive in good condition please refuse the delivery and sign as damaged on delivery slip. Also if you notice any damages report us with proof of images within 24 hours of your delivery.
3. Can you arrange delivery with the date of my choice?
Yes in most of the cases this is possible (Monday-Friday) but before you have to contact our customer service or send us message for confirmation, we advise these arrangement is possible if receive your request 4-5 days in advance. There is Saturday delivery with special arrangement and will cost you £20.00 extra (one man delivery service items only).
Also visit our Delivery sections for more details regarding our delivery policies.
4. Item is not what I was expecting or I change my mind.
We do our best to provide you most accuracy of product description, if you think this is could be the case, please contact us and request further information including more pictures from our showroom, video, measurement those not included on descriptions etc. Also you may visit our store Monday to Saturday. The process for delivery and return is expensive and more hassle hence we advise you to go through all the information provided. Further information, please refer to our Return & Refund sections.
5. I am really not happy, very bad experience on my purchase.
Distance shopping mayn't be always 100% accurate, and due to involvement of delivery from third party we don't have full control on our hand but we are always happy to assist you and give our best to meet your expectation, before you decided to open the case or providing feedback, give us a chance to hear you and we dealt with our efficiency and perfection.
6. Why do I need to sign on delivery slip?
Signature on your delivery proves that courier company has deliver your items (all boxes) in good condition. If you doubt or notice any damages with the attention of delivery drive please sign as damaged and refuse to take the delivery.
7. Do you have any quality assurance?
We provide you 1 year manufacture fault, we grantee you the quality also please be aware of the cheaper version of similar items over the market. Wise customer always take time for research before they commit to purchase.
We Excludes: Channel Islands, Isle of Man, Isle of Wight, Northern Ireland, Scilly Isles, Scottish Highlands, Scottish Islands, PO Box, again special delivery service can be arrange with little extra charge.